When we study the New Testament record, we see plainly that Christ’s conflict was with the theological rationalists of His day. John’s gospel record is actually a long, inspired, passionately outpoured account trying to save us from evangelical rationalism—the doctrine that says the text is enough. Divine revelation is the ground upon which we stand. The Bible is the book of God, and I stand for it with all my heart; but before I can be saved, there must be illumination, penitence, renewal, and inward deliverance. In our Christendom, we have tried to ease many people into the Kingdom but they have never been renewed within their own beings. The apostle Paul told the Corinthians that their faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God! There is a difference. We must insist that conversion to Christ is a miraculous act of God by the Holy Spirit; it must be wrought in the Spirit. There must be an inward illumination!

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Our lost race has always been prone to discount and reject the wonderful fact of the individual factor in the love of God. Far, far too many men and women in this world are convinced that God’s love for the world is just one big lump and the individual is not involved. We have only to look around us with serious observation to confirm the fact that the devil has been successful in planting his lie that no one cares for the individual person.

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How much time have you spent in your Christian life meditating on the plain instruction from our Savior? “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” The God who has revealed Himself to needy men and women wants us to know that when we have Him, we have everything—we have all the rest! Any of us who have experienced a life and ministry of faith can tell how the Lord has met our need even for food and the essentials of life. Brethren, we ought to learn, and learn it soon, that it is much better to have God first and have God Himself, even if we have only a thin dime, than to have all the riches and all the influence in this world and not have God with it! Let us go on to know Him and to love Him more dearly, not for His gifts and benefits but for the pure joy of His presence. Thus we will fulfill the purpose for which He created us and redeemed us!

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There are many legal and governmental reasons why lost men and women should not go to heaven! It should not be difficult for us to acknowledge that a holy and righteous God must run His universe according to holy law, and we do not belong there because we have broken every one of those holy laws in some way! Therefore, there must be an effective redemption, a justification of some kind, if we are to have God and He is to have us!

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Let us consider three simple things reinforced in the Word of God for those who would discern God’s highest will. First, be willing to put away known sin! Second, separate yourself from all of the attractions of the world, the flesh, and the devil! Finally, offer yourself to your God and Savior in believing faith! God has never yet turned away an honest, sincere person who has come to know the eternal value of the atonement and the peace that is promised through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The only person who will never be cleansed and made whole is the one who insists he or she needs no remedy. The person who comes in faith to God and confesses, “I am unclean; I am sin-sick; I am blind,” will find mercy and righteousness and life. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Savior, the Cleanser. He is the Purifier, the Healer. He is the Sight-giver and the Life-giver. He alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

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We confess, do we not, that we have a Christian responsibility to believe God’s Word and to obey God’s Truth? Then we should accept the fact that it is our task to practice the Christian virtues in the power of the Holy Spirit as we await the coming of Him who will come. The great spiritual needs around us should drive us back to the gospel records of the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus. When evil men crucified Jesus, killed Him, they had no power to change Him.

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God has made it plain that hell is a real place—a final abode for people who do not want to love God and serve Him! The sadness and the tragedy of this fact is that these are human beings, all dear to God because He created them in His own image. Of nothing else in the Creation is it said that it was created in the likeness of God! Because fallen and perishing man is still nearer to God’s likeness than any other creature on earth, God offers him conversion, regeneration, and forgiveness.

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We trust the Word of God, and the inspired revelation makes it plain to the believing Christian that all things in the universe have derived their form from Christ, the eternal Son! We are assured that even as an architect-builder gathers the necessary materials needed to fashion the structure he has designed, so God will ultimately gather all things together under one head, even Christ (Ephesians 1:9–10).

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When our faith becomes obedience to our Savior, then it is true faith indeed!

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