
Christ Glorified In Us

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14 July, 2024




Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard... the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

— 1 Corinthians 2:9

The Bible tells us that eye has not seen nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of men, the things that God has laid up for those who love Him! That is why the apostle goes on to remind us that God has revealed these mysteries to us by the Holy Spirit. Oh, if we would only stop trying to make the Holy Spirit our servant and begin to live in His life as the fish lives in the sea, we would enter into the riches of glory about which we know nothing now. Too many of us want the Holy Spirit in order to have some gift—healing or tongues or preaching or prophecy.

Yes, these have their place in that total pattern of the New Testament, but let us ever pray that we may be filled with the Spirit for a secondary purpose! Remember, God wants to fill you with His Spirit as an end in your moral life. God's purpose is that we should know Him first of all, and be lost in Him; and that we should enter into the fullness of the Spirit that the eternal Son, Jesus Christ, may be glorified in us!


Let us ever pray that we may be filled with the Spirit for a secondary purpose!

Lord, I am lost in Your love, undone in Your presence. Fill me with Your Spirit and lead me in Your everlasting way.

Christ Glorified In Us