
Rot Sharing

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24 July, 2024




"To the angel of the church in Sardis write: 'These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds: you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.'"

— Revelation 3:1

There is a third word, and I do not particularly like to use it, but the history of the Church is filled with it. The word is rot. The church is afflicted by dry rot. This is best explained when the psychology of non expectation takes over and spiritual rigidity sets in, which is an inability to visualize anything better, a lack of desire for improvement. There are many who respond by arguing, "I know lots of evangelical churches that would like to grow, and they do their best to get the crowds in.

They want to grow and have contests to make their Sunday school larger." That is true, but they are trying to get people to come and share their rut. They want people to help them celebrate the rote and finally join in the rot. Because the Holy Spirit is not given a chance to work in our services, nobody is repenting. For the most part, spiritual rigidity that cannot bend is too weak to know just how weak it is.


This is best explained when the psychology of non expectation takes over and spiritual rigidity sets in, which is an inability to visualize anything better, a lack of desire for improvement.


Lord, help us to not become spiritually rigid, getting so caught up in the rote and rut that it turns to rot. Let us be ever mindful of Your presence, Lord. When we lose our vision for more than the status quo in our churches, convict us, Holy Spirit, and bring us to our knees for revival. Amen