
The "Rote" to "Rutness"

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23 July, 2024




He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. And he was amazed at their lack of faith.

— Mark 6:5-6

We can go one step further and come to what I will call the rut, which is bondage to the rote. When we are unable to see and sense bondage to the rote, we are in a rut. For example, a man may be sick and not even know it. The doctors may have confided in the man's wife and said, "We don't want to frighten your husband, but he could drop any minute. He is critically ill, so just expect it at any moment." But the man himself does not know he is seriously ill.

He goes about his business as though nothing is wrong. He may play golf or tennis, maybe even go on a hunting trip. He is sick, and yet he does not know how sick he really is. This may in fact hasten his end. Not knowing is risky business and full of danger. Spiritually speaking, the rut is bondage to the rote, and the greatest danger lies in our inability to sense or feel this bondage.


If we are not significantly aware of His presence, then we may be unaware of His absence. Do we still know the difference?


Father, free me to pursue You, with all of my heart, to pursue You. In Christ's name.