
The Spiritual Essence

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15 July, 2024




By the renewing of the Holy Ghost, which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ.

— Titus 3:5-6

We who are the disciples of Jesus Christ often need to be reminded that God is allowing us to live on two planes at the same time. He lets us live in this religious plane, where there are preachers and song leaders and choirs, teachers and evangelists—and that is religion. It is actually "religion in overalls""the external part of religion, and it has its own place in God's work and plan. But beyond that and superior to all of the externals in our religious experience is the spiritual essence of it all! It is that spiritual essence that I want to see enthroned in our communion and fellowship in the Church of Jesus Christ!

We need the caution that much theology, much Bible teaching, and many Bible conferences begin and end in themselves. They circle fully around themselves, but when everyone goes home, no one is any better than he was before. We sorely need this caution about holding truth that begins and ends in itself. The danger is that we teach and live so th


We need the caution that much theology, much Bible teaching, and many Bible conferences begin and end in themselves.


Lord, let us not be so caught up in "ministry" that we neglect our need for constant infilling of Your Holy Spirit.